Mentang-mentanglah Facebook top gila-gila, sekarang ni ade pula facedrink. Facedrink ni minuman tenaga. Kalau minum mampu memberikan korang tenaga extra (erk!!? tol ke?).

Dari laman rasminya:
Boleh beli di Amazon.WHY FACEDRINK?
Why Not!
So it’s this simple answer that has inspired me to create facedrink™. I want facedrink™ to be a sophisticated beverage which provides the social energy that people need to get things done on a daily basis.
Facedrink™ achieves the goal that I set out for by providing you with the extra energy needed to be social or to deal with your boss.
Facedrink™ is available for online purchase directly from our website. Order yours today and enjoy the taste of friendship.Facedrink™ has the right combination of taste and energy effectiveness so you know that you are drinking something better.
R u serious? Facedrink? Kahkah!
thanks singgah blog saya :D follow blog ni :)
haha, nak try rasa facedrink tu !!
'muka minuman'
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